La Villa des Arts...

At the end of a long journey, and wanting to rest before returning to my home, I decided to stop for one or two nights. Not having planned this stop, I let myself be guided by the landscape to a pleasant little village, lost in the middle of the Mancelle countryside ...

The garden and the building

It was then, as I entered the park, I felt like I was entering another time... Beyond the majestic trees, in a garden, at the edge of the world, a wild meadow unfolded its floral essences; in the distance, the lost statue of an ancient god could be seen... Some memories came to me... in a clearing, young girls in bloom, swirling to the sound of ancient lyres, were offering an altar, young ephebes were offering libations to Dionysus....
The wide path formed an elbow and could give the impression that one was entering a deep forest. Past this one, going up an alley drowned in an emerald light, one could guess between the foliage of century-old trees an old hunting lodge. Having crossed a few dead waters, I left the park and discovered the building...

A building, whose broken symmetry on the right enhanced the harmony, deployed a majestic architecture; in front, the garden, with deceptive mathematics, structured in its centre, blurred at the limits.

In the middle of the garden, a fountain with a soft rustle welcomes the passenger birds. In the distance, angel musicians seem to play a melody. I lingered for a moment on the curbstone letting myself be carried away by the caressing murmur of water on the wave, tasting its freshness with my hand.

The ground floor - the lounges

A little later, a short flight of wide stairs led me to a large terrace where I contemplated this cool and quiet green setting. At last I entered the place and found myself in a fabulous vestibule, in which the walls told me stories full of talking animals and morals.
The vestibule opened to the right and left on a row of rooms decorated with frescoes with high ceilings. At the back, I found a gallery allowing easy circulation throughout the building.
I entered the first living room, where we had set up a large table where we had feasted. From then on, the party continued in the adjoining salon with the Ermine. The high, trembling glow of the lights made shadows dance on the faces, giving a mysterious character to the scene...

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